jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

My blog experience...

The blog experience has been fun, it is a different way to learn, practice and imagine ideas in english, if talk in english it is difficult, write your ideas and make it work it is difficult too, but this hard works, it is the clue to improve our master in english.

In my opinion, the exercise made in this blog, it was so useful to improve my english, because I have to make sentences in a coherent way, to check every word, every verb, every adjective that make up the sentence and also I learn a lot of new words.

The use of the blog it is a great tool to practice and improve the master of knowledge, but I think that it could be less frecuency, I mean, write on blog twice at month and in the other classes some exercise related to the oral practice of english, maybe some oral presentations, some short dialogues, to try to improve our pronunciation too. But the blog experience should be a constant activity in the english class. It was so useful, and practice!!