viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012


When i finished highschool, I decided to study at the university of Chile because I believed that it was the best university of Chile. Now, I don’t feel the same passion that I felt in that time, but I keep believing that although it has a loto f economical, administrative problema, it keep being a pluralist, research maker and demanding university. This was one of the reasons that i considered in my decision to be part of this study house. The second one was related with random. In the beggining I wanted to study law, but my score at PSU didn’t let me get inside of this career. Study Public Management was my second Choice, but i’m so happy to had have this decision, because I love my career, I feel very happy to study and read all the things that Ido, because I’m sure that it would be important to develop changes inside of the government and the way to create and evaluate public policies. My first impression when I started studyng there was surprising, because the school was very small, and old. At the beggining it seemed a kind of ugky for me, but with the time, i liked the ancient structure and it size, because you Could see all the people everywhere. My current school is small, but beautiful, andi t has an Amazing administrative staff, they are the best characteristic of our school. When I have Windows, I come back to my home, but when I stay at the school, I read some texts for classes, or stay at the playground talking with my friends. When I finish my caree I will miss my friends, my daily life worry about the books and the researchs, the parties, the interesting talkings, everything.