jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

My best Friend

My best friend is my sister, her name is Mylene, Mylene de los Angeles. She is 21 years old.
I met her when I was born, she was 2, my mother always says me that Mylene was really happy when I was born, that she always cares me and she tried to share and play with me, even when I was very mean with her, I used to gave her terrible beatings and she always was excusing me.

We started to be real friends when I was twelve, and she was fourteen, I think because of we had more things in common, we started to do more things together, not only because we have to (because we were sisters) but also because we wanted to.

whe we were "teenagers" we started to share the same friends, therefore we started to gotogether at anyplace.

She is such a good person,she always cares me, always hears me, thing that really likes me about her is her common sense, she is mature and conscious, but sometimes she is disagreeable with some people,and a little bit apathetic with people that she doesn't know. but in generalshe is very nice.

What I envy about her is her determination,to dothings,to solve problems,to be happy.
Our adventure is related with her determination, someyears ago we were very exciting because our favorite band came to Arica. Our mission would be met them, so we went to their hotel and we came in to their bedrooms but in a "clandetine way", when the hotel workers found us, they were very angry, and they asked us: please go away to our hotel!.

With my sister have a lot of beautiful moments, but I think that the most important one, was when we live a spiritual experience together, calls EJE. This moment joins us in an indiscribable way. I can say that in this moment we started to be more than firends,more than sisters, we started a stronger relationship.

Finally, if I could give her someting, I'd give her a private concert with her favourite singer: Claudio Valenzuela, and not anly a concert, but also a dinner, a party and the rest they have to decide it!

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