jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My last Vacation...

My last Vacation was in the same place that I have lived the last 10 years, but in this time was different. Although I wasn't born in a Arica is like my hometown, I feel very confortable in its places, with its weather and its people.

Well. my last vacation was shared with the most important people of my life, it started with the new year (31st december) and finished the day that I came to Santiago.

The weather in Arica was hot, beautiful days with blue sky, big sun, and a great sea breeze.

In this vacation I shared and lived beautiful and funny moments, with my closer friends, and my family. With my family I used to go to the beach, to play rackets and to have dinner, sometimes we went to the beach in the night just for walk and talk.
With my firends was a little bit different, in the evening we did relaxed activities sucha as to take sun and swim in the beach, but in the night we used to go out to pub, discos, parties barbecues, because firstable is sooo funny, and second i had to take advantage of this amazing moments because this was my last vacation as a resident of Arica.

One of the most remarkables event was when with my friends decide to go to the beach and cook something easy in my home (my home is very near to the beach), when we were in the beach we started to have a huge whim to eat a barbecue, but no one of us knew how to do a barbecue, but our whim was stronger, so we went to buy all the ingredients and finally we went to my home to try to do something.
In my home the barbecue was excellent! although no ne knew haw to do it, for that reason we finished black, because of the fire and coal, and we shouted a lot because we were so nervous, we spent a funny time together, and we ate a delicious barbecue all the afternoon, when we finished our excited lunch, we went to the living room to rest and talk and talk all the rest of the day, we talked about our new lifes, far of home, far of our families and friends, it was a simple but beautiful moments to talk among friends the topics that really cares.

I will never forget this vacation baecause it was the most closer that I have had with my people, I devoted to be with them, to talk about our lives, our future, to share simple things, to be happy with only their presence, no more. Maybe this vacation was special because I felt that I'd need a lot of good memories of them when I started my new life in Santiago, far of this beautiful moments.

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