jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My Most Preciuos Posessions...

I have a lot of precious "possesions", I write "posessions" because I can mention my family or my friends, but I think that they are not objects therefore they are not posessions.
But I have a very important posession that represents something bigger than everything, something that includes the love that I feel for my family, for my friends, and for all the things that I'm doing now.

This posession is a cross, a missionary cross. It is a small cross, divided in five parts, one in each extreme and one in the center. Each part has a color that represent one continent. So it was given to me, when I participated in a missionaty activity with children in my church, I worked with them for 5 years, we lived a lost of beautiful expiriences related with the mission that helped us to realiza that we are lucky people, and that we as christian must do something to help people and try to built a better place to live. My cross represents all this intentions, my cross represents my wish to be a better person.

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