domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

My Favorite Photograph

My favorite photograph was taken in the Plaza de Armas in Santiago, when I lived here. It's a beautiful photograph, and it is so important to me in this moment in my life. In the picture appears all my family: my parents, my sister, my brother and my grandparents. The picture was taken in one of our family walks around the city when my grandparents came to see us to Santiago (They lived in Arica). I was 5 or 6 years when this picture was taken, my life was so great, I lived with the people that I most loved, and all seem easy and funny for me.

When I moved to Santiago, this year, I kept the photo with me, now it is such a huge motivation to still with my new life, it is a kind of bridge between all the good moments that my family gave me in the past, and all the good moments that I want to give them now and not in a distance future.
Every single day, when I am sad or happy, when I wake up, or when I go to the bed, I look my picture and all returns to make sense again...

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