My career is related with the management of public affairs, the service to the State and the Gobernment, the Public Administration is the executive work of the Government (as many authors define the career). I chose it because of I like the social service and I feel the commitment with public service and its implications with the national progress.
One of the things that I really like about the career is the diversity of study areas related to: economy, policy science, laws, sociology, history, administration science and many others, this breadth of knowledge will enabe to work in different areas of the STATE. But there is something that I dislike about it, and it is the subjects related with mathematics, although this career is essentially humanistic, we have to learn about math (because of economy and investigations subjects) and this situation is so terrible for my brain.
My expectations for my future is to do a post-graduate studies and to work in some international organism related with humanitarian help, and obviously to be a good profesional not only in the academic way, but also in the ethical one.