jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

My career

My career is related with the management of public affairs, the service to the State and the Gobernment, the Public Administration is the executive work of the Government (as many authors define the career). I chose it because of I like the social service and I feel the commitment with public service and its implications with the national progress.
One of the things that I really like about the career is the diversity of study areas related to: economy, policy science, laws, sociology, history, administration science and many others, this breadth of knowledge will enabe to work in different areas of the STATE. But there is something that I dislike about it, and it is the subjects related with mathematics, although this career is essentially humanistic, we have to learn about math (because of economy and investigations subjects) and this situation is so terrible for my brain.
My expectations for my future is to do a post-graduate studies and to work in some international organism related with humanitarian help, and obviously to be a good profesional not only in the academic way, but also in the ethical one.

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

My Favorite Photograph

My favorite photograph was taken in the Plaza de Armas in Santiago, when I lived here. It's a beautiful photograph, and it is so important to me in this moment in my life. In the picture appears all my family: my parents, my sister, my brother and my grandparents. The picture was taken in one of our family walks around the city when my grandparents came to see us to Santiago (They lived in Arica). I was 5 or 6 years when this picture was taken, my life was so great, I lived with the people that I most loved, and all seem easy and funny for me.

When I moved to Santiago, this year, I kept the photo with me, now it is such a huge motivation to still with my new life, it is a kind of bridge between all the good moments that my family gave me in the past, and all the good moments that I want to give them now and not in a distance future.
Every single day, when I am sad or happy, when I wake up, or when I go to the bed, I look my picture and all returns to make sense again...

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My Most Preciuos Posessions...

I have a lot of precious "possesions", I write "posessions" because I can mention my family or my friends, but I think that they are not objects therefore they are not posessions.
But I have a very important posession that represents something bigger than everything, something that includes the love that I feel for my family, for my friends, and for all the things that I'm doing now.

This posession is a cross, a missionary cross. It is a small cross, divided in five parts, one in each extreme and one in the center. Each part has a color that represent one continent. So it was given to me, when I participated in a missionaty activity with children in my church, I worked with them for 5 years, we lived a lost of beautiful expiriences related with the mission that helped us to realiza that we are lucky people, and that we as christian must do something to help people and try to built a better place to live. My cross represents all this intentions, my cross represents my wish to be a better person.