My ideal job would be to work in some international organization related to social help, or related to international relationships. In my opinion the skills or qualities to get this job would be: first of all the master of english, the master of economical and political theories and the master of human resources, I mean dealing with people. I think that I'm going to be good for this job because I really want to do it, which is an important step, and because I feel that I will be qualified to do it, not only in academic way, but also in a personal one: I am a persistent person, I like to know new places, new people, new languages, new lifestyles, I think that I could resist to live in another country, with a different culture and a different lifestyle, as the same way that I am now living in Santiago without my family, and old friends, finding the beauty of this place and my new life.
But the real difficulty to find this kind of job will be to get the oportunity to apply for it, to get to master all the qualities that I mentioned before in the right moment, in the moment of the decision to appoint the professional who will be encharged to represent Chile or any kind of Institution abroad, I mean the right man in the right place, but in my case the right girl in the right place...