jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

The right girl in the right place...

My ideal job would be to work in some international organization related to social help, or related to international relationships. In my opinion the skills or qualities to get this job would be: first of all the master of english, the master of economical and political theories and the master of human resources, I mean dealing with people. I think that I'm going to be good for this job because I really want to do it, which is an important step, and because I feel that I will be qualified to do it, not only in academic way, but also in a personal one: I am a persistent person, I like to know new places, new people, new languages, new lifestyles, I think that I could resist to live in another country, with a different culture and a different lifestyle, as the same way that I am now living in Santiago without my family, and old friends, finding the beauty of this place and my new life.
But the real difficulty to find this kind of job will be to get the oportunity to apply for it, to get to master all the qualities that I mentioned before in the right moment, in the moment of the decision to appoint the professional who will be encharged to represent Chile or any kind of Institution abroad, I mean the right man in the right place, but in my case the right girl in the right place...

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My favorite "hard beauty" subject...

My favorite subject is History of the political and public Institutions of Chile, the teacher who gives this subject is Bernardo Navarrete. This subject is one of the most difficult ones in the semester, because we have to read a lot of books related with political, institutional and economy theories, it has been so hard for me, but at the same time it is a kind of challenge in academic and pesonal way. Because the real goal is not only "read" and get "good marks", but also understand what the books are talking about, how I can put into practice all these knowledge to understand our current reality, and try to solve the future problems that I will have to face in 5 years more.
This is the "hard beauty" of the subject, although it is difficult, it is so interesting, and it has showed me a new kind of knowledge world, now I can understand a lot of political and social situations, and not only understand, but also analyze , not like an expert, but in a better way than 4 months before.

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

Do school kill creativity?

I agree with Sir Ken Robinson ideas, because sometimes schools and teachers has a wrong perception about what is important to be a good student, or to be educated. Most of the time we can see how the educational authority kill the creativity of the children banning the free expression of their talents, rather than foster their skills, with the technical and deep knowledge that a teacher should master, maybe this is the problem...
If the schools foster the creativity of the children they could develop a lot of skills that will be so important in the future of the students, and why not, in their future work. Academic knowledge and creativity are important in the same way.
In the end, everything is related with a decision, a decision to widen the limits of the "formal knowledge" and believe in children, believe in their talent, believe in their capacity, and understand that times has changed, and it is necessary to improve the methods to educate our future generations.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The man who fights for our rights...

A man delicate with social affairs, a man who fought for his convictions in spite of the personal threats, a man who represented all the interests of his people, a man who devoted his life to liberate his country of the ruling National Party's apartheid, I'm talking about Nelson Mandela, the best example that "impossible is nothing". He was consistent with his ideals, persistent with his dreams, delicate with his people, responsable of his own deeds, clever and proactive. All these qualities let him to be the first black President of South Africa.
I admire Nelson Mandela because he represents for me the social vocation to do the right things, to be responsable and compasive, to fight for built a fair society, that respects the human rights, and tolerates the diversity. He is the best symbol of the resistence against apartheid movement, he is the best example of the pacific fight, and HE IS THE MAN WHO FIGHTS FOR OUR RIGHTS!

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My future

In five years more, I'm going to finishing my career (Public Administration), and I will be starting a new one (laws), After this two years more of study, I'm going to work in some ministery for two or three years more, to practice all the knowledge that I'm going to learn in this 7 years of study. I will be a great professional, and I'm going to win a scholarship to study in Harvard or in Oxford some post-graduate program related with policy science or public policy.In the time that I'm going to be abroad, I'm going to travel around the world, meeting new people, living "the single life", after this time I'm going to come back to Chile, to help and share with my family. Then I'm going to come back to my worklife, using all my knowledge and experiene in some international organism: maybe in ONU, OEA but in areas related with social or humanitarian help.