jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The man who fights for our rights...

A man delicate with social affairs, a man who fought for his convictions in spite of the personal threats, a man who represented all the interests of his people, a man who devoted his life to liberate his country of the ruling National Party's apartheid, I'm talking about Nelson Mandela, the best example that "impossible is nothing". He was consistent with his ideals, persistent with his dreams, delicate with his people, responsable of his own deeds, clever and proactive. All these qualities let him to be the first black President of South Africa.
I admire Nelson Mandela because he represents for me the social vocation to do the right things, to be responsable and compasive, to fight for built a fair society, that respects the human rights, and tolerates the diversity. He is the best symbol of the resistence against apartheid movement, he is the best example of the pacific fight, and HE IS THE MAN WHO FIGHTS FOR OUR RIGHTS!

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