martes, 16 de junio de 2009

Do school kill creativity?

I agree with Sir Ken Robinson ideas, because sometimes schools and teachers has a wrong perception about what is important to be a good student, or to be educated. Most of the time we can see how the educational authority kill the creativity of the children banning the free expression of their talents, rather than foster their skills, with the technical and deep knowledge that a teacher should master, maybe this is the problem...
If the schools foster the creativity of the children they could develop a lot of skills that will be so important in the future of the students, and why not, in their future work. Academic knowledge and creativity are important in the same way.
In the end, everything is related with a decision, a decision to widen the limits of the "formal knowledge" and believe in children, believe in their talent, believe in their capacity, and understand that times has changed, and it is necessary to improve the methods to educate our future generations.

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