jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My favorite "hard beauty" subject...

My favorite subject is History of the political and public Institutions of Chile, the teacher who gives this subject is Bernardo Navarrete. This subject is one of the most difficult ones in the semester, because we have to read a lot of books related with political, institutional and economy theories, it has been so hard for me, but at the same time it is a kind of challenge in academic and pesonal way. Because the real goal is not only "read" and get "good marks", but also understand what the books are talking about, how I can put into practice all these knowledge to understand our current reality, and try to solve the future problems that I will have to face in 5 years more.
This is the "hard beauty" of the subject, although it is difficult, it is so interesting, and it has showed me a new kind of knowledge world, now I can understand a lot of political and social situations, and not only understand, but also analyze , not like an expert, but in a better way than 4 months before.

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