viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

A country I'd like to visit

For me, there are some staffs that I’m really interested about. Music, history, culture, people. Specially people. I’ve always thought that if you want to know a city or a country, you have to taking contact with someone who has lived or lives in that place. Moreover, if you want to walk into some interesting streets or go to a folk traditional concert, a “story teller” is always the best choice. Considering this, I mean, the human factor as an important tool to create amazing places from the experience to share with its people, I’d like to visit England, because since I was a kid I’ve been fascinated about its music culture, the cold-grey face of its streets and that kind of rock atmosphere that surrounds cities like London and Liverpool. If someday I can travel to Liverpool, I’d like to go to all the rock-and-roll bars, like The Cavern Club, and the inevitable photo with the Buckingham palace in London, hearing in my head the classic “good save the queen” of the Sex Pistols. Share with its people in all this places would be so amazing! Finally I’d love to study in London, maybe a few fears doing a post graduate program into an old and prestigious university like Oxford, Cambridge or the London of Economics School.

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