jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

My blog experience...

The blog experience has been fun, it is a different way to learn, practice and imagine ideas in english, if talk in english it is difficult, write your ideas and make it work it is difficult too, but this hard works, it is the clue to improve our master in english.

In my opinion, the exercise made in this blog, it was so useful to improve my english, because I have to make sentences in a coherent way, to check every word, every verb, every adjective that make up the sentence and also I learn a lot of new words.

The use of the blog it is a great tool to practice and improve the master of knowledge, but I think that it could be less frecuency, I mean, write on blog twice at month and in the other classes some exercise related to the oral practice of english, maybe some oral presentations, some short dialogues, to try to improve our pronunciation too. But the blog experience should be a constant activity in the english class. It was so useful, and practice!!

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

The right girl in the right place...

My ideal job would be to work in some international organization related to social help, or related to international relationships. In my opinion the skills or qualities to get this job would be: first of all the master of english, the master of economical and political theories and the master of human resources, I mean dealing with people. I think that I'm going to be good for this job because I really want to do it, which is an important step, and because I feel that I will be qualified to do it, not only in academic way, but also in a personal one: I am a persistent person, I like to know new places, new people, new languages, new lifestyles, I think that I could resist to live in another country, with a different culture and a different lifestyle, as the same way that I am now living in Santiago without my family, and old friends, finding the beauty of this place and my new life.
But the real difficulty to find this kind of job will be to get the oportunity to apply for it, to get to master all the qualities that I mentioned before in the right moment, in the moment of the decision to appoint the professional who will be encharged to represent Chile or any kind of Institution abroad, I mean the right man in the right place, but in my case the right girl in the right place...

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My favorite "hard beauty" subject...

My favorite subject is History of the political and public Institutions of Chile, the teacher who gives this subject is Bernardo Navarrete. This subject is one of the most difficult ones in the semester, because we have to read a lot of books related with political, institutional and economy theories, it has been so hard for me, but at the same time it is a kind of challenge in academic and pesonal way. Because the real goal is not only "read" and get "good marks", but also understand what the books are talking about, how I can put into practice all these knowledge to understand our current reality, and try to solve the future problems that I will have to face in 5 years more.
This is the "hard beauty" of the subject, although it is difficult, it is so interesting, and it has showed me a new kind of knowledge world, now I can understand a lot of political and social situations, and not only understand, but also analyze , not like an expert, but in a better way than 4 months before.

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

Do school kill creativity?

I agree with Sir Ken Robinson ideas, because sometimes schools and teachers has a wrong perception about what is important to be a good student, or to be educated. Most of the time we can see how the educational authority kill the creativity of the children banning the free expression of their talents, rather than foster their skills, with the technical and deep knowledge that a teacher should master, maybe this is the problem...
If the schools foster the creativity of the children they could develop a lot of skills that will be so important in the future of the students, and why not, in their future work. Academic knowledge and creativity are important in the same way.
In the end, everything is related with a decision, a decision to widen the limits of the "formal knowledge" and believe in children, believe in their talent, believe in their capacity, and understand that times has changed, and it is necessary to improve the methods to educate our future generations.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The man who fights for our rights...

A man delicate with social affairs, a man who fought for his convictions in spite of the personal threats, a man who represented all the interests of his people, a man who devoted his life to liberate his country of the ruling National Party's apartheid, I'm talking about Nelson Mandela, the best example that "impossible is nothing". He was consistent with his ideals, persistent with his dreams, delicate with his people, responsable of his own deeds, clever and proactive. All these qualities let him to be the first black President of South Africa.
I admire Nelson Mandela because he represents for me the social vocation to do the right things, to be responsable and compasive, to fight for built a fair society, that respects the human rights, and tolerates the diversity. He is the best symbol of the resistence against apartheid movement, he is the best example of the pacific fight, and HE IS THE MAN WHO FIGHTS FOR OUR RIGHTS!

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My future

In five years more, I'm going to finishing my career (Public Administration), and I will be starting a new one (laws), After this two years more of study, I'm going to work in some ministery for two or three years more, to practice all the knowledge that I'm going to learn in this 7 years of study. I will be a great professional, and I'm going to win a scholarship to study in Harvard or in Oxford some post-graduate program related with policy science or public policy.In the time that I'm going to be abroad, I'm going to travel around the world, meeting new people, living "the single life", after this time I'm going to come back to Chile, to help and share with my family. Then I'm going to come back to my worklife, using all my knowledge and experiene in some international organism: maybe in ONU, OEA but in areas related with social or humanitarian help.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

My career

My career is related with the management of public affairs, the service to the State and the Gobernment, the Public Administration is the executive work of the Government (as many authors define the career). I chose it because of I like the social service and I feel the commitment with public service and its implications with the national progress.
One of the things that I really like about the career is the diversity of study areas related to: economy, policy science, laws, sociology, history, administration science and many others, this breadth of knowledge will enabe to work in different areas of the STATE. But there is something that I dislike about it, and it is the subjects related with mathematics, although this career is essentially humanistic, we have to learn about math (because of economy and investigations subjects) and this situation is so terrible for my brain.
My expectations for my future is to do a post-graduate studies and to work in some international organism related with humanitarian help, and obviously to be a good profesional not only in the academic way, but also in the ethical one.

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

My Favorite Photograph

My favorite photograph was taken in the Plaza de Armas in Santiago, when I lived here. It's a beautiful photograph, and it is so important to me in this moment in my life. In the picture appears all my family: my parents, my sister, my brother and my grandparents. The picture was taken in one of our family walks around the city when my grandparents came to see us to Santiago (They lived in Arica). I was 5 or 6 years when this picture was taken, my life was so great, I lived with the people that I most loved, and all seem easy and funny for me.

When I moved to Santiago, this year, I kept the photo with me, now it is such a huge motivation to still with my new life, it is a kind of bridge between all the good moments that my family gave me in the past, and all the good moments that I want to give them now and not in a distance future.
Every single day, when I am sad or happy, when I wake up, or when I go to the bed, I look my picture and all returns to make sense again...

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My Most Preciuos Posessions...

I have a lot of precious "possesions", I write "posessions" because I can mention my family or my friends, but I think that they are not objects therefore they are not posessions.
But I have a very important posession that represents something bigger than everything, something that includes the love that I feel for my family, for my friends, and for all the things that I'm doing now.

This posession is a cross, a missionary cross. It is a small cross, divided in five parts, one in each extreme and one in the center. Each part has a color that represent one continent. So it was given to me, when I participated in a missionaty activity with children in my church, I worked with them for 5 years, we lived a lost of beautiful expiriences related with the mission that helped us to realiza that we are lucky people, and that we as christian must do something to help people and try to built a better place to live. My cross represents all this intentions, my cross represents my wish to be a better person.

jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My last Vacation...

My last Vacation was in the same place that I have lived the last 10 years, but in this time was different. Although I wasn't born in a Arica is like my hometown, I feel very confortable in its places, with its weather and its people.

Well. my last vacation was shared with the most important people of my life, it started with the new year (31st december) and finished the day that I came to Santiago.

The weather in Arica was hot, beautiful days with blue sky, big sun, and a great sea breeze.

In this vacation I shared and lived beautiful and funny moments, with my closer friends, and my family. With my family I used to go to the beach, to play rackets and to have dinner, sometimes we went to the beach in the night just for walk and talk.
With my firends was a little bit different, in the evening we did relaxed activities sucha as to take sun and swim in the beach, but in the night we used to go out to pub, discos, parties barbecues, because firstable is sooo funny, and second i had to take advantage of this amazing moments because this was my last vacation as a resident of Arica.

One of the most remarkables event was when with my friends decide to go to the beach and cook something easy in my home (my home is very near to the beach), when we were in the beach we started to have a huge whim to eat a barbecue, but no one of us knew how to do a barbecue, but our whim was stronger, so we went to buy all the ingredients and finally we went to my home to try to do something.
In my home the barbecue was excellent! although no ne knew haw to do it, for that reason we finished black, because of the fire and coal, and we shouted a lot because we were so nervous, we spent a funny time together, and we ate a delicious barbecue all the afternoon, when we finished our excited lunch, we went to the living room to rest and talk and talk all the rest of the day, we talked about our new lifes, far of home, far of our families and friends, it was a simple but beautiful moments to talk among friends the topics that really cares.

I will never forget this vacation baecause it was the most closer that I have had with my people, I devoted to be with them, to talk about our lives, our future, to share simple things, to be happy with only their presence, no more. Maybe this vacation was special because I felt that I'd need a lot of good memories of them when I started my new life in Santiago, far of this beautiful moments.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

My best Friend

My best friend is my sister, her name is Mylene, Mylene de los Angeles. She is 21 years old.
I met her when I was born, she was 2, my mother always says me that Mylene was really happy when I was born, that she always cares me and she tried to share and play with me, even when I was very mean with her, I used to gave her terrible beatings and she always was excusing me.

We started to be real friends when I was twelve, and she was fourteen, I think because of we had more things in common, we started to do more things together, not only because we have to (because we were sisters) but also because we wanted to.

whe we were "teenagers" we started to share the same friends, therefore we started to gotogether at anyplace.

She is such a good person,she always cares me, always hears me, thing that really likes me about her is her common sense, she is mature and conscious, but sometimes she is disagreeable with some people,and a little bit apathetic with people that she doesn't know. but in generalshe is very nice.

What I envy about her is her determination,to dothings,to solve problems,to be happy.
Our adventure is related with her determination, someyears ago we were very exciting because our favorite band came to Arica. Our mission would be met them, so we went to their hotel and we came in to their bedrooms but in a "clandetine way", when the hotel workers found us, they were very angry, and they asked us: please go away to our hotel!.

With my sister have a lot of beautiful moments, but I think that the most important one, was when we live a spiritual experience together, calls EJE. This moment joins us in an indiscribable way. I can say that in this moment we started to be more than firends,more than sisters, we started a stronger relationship.

Finally, if I could give her someting, I'd give her a private concert with her favourite singer: Claudio Valenzuela, and not anly a concert, but also a dinner, a party and the rest they have to decide it!

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

First Impressions..

Well, this is my first post in this blog, I mean in my blog. Actually this is the first time that I have one, and I'm a little bit concerned about how to use it, but I'm trying to learn...don't worry!

I introduce myself, my name is Gissela Remolcoy, I'm eighteen years old, I study Public Administration (as the most of you).I use to live in Arica, i'm living alone, so, I'm starting to know and discover Santiago, its good and bad things, for example: try to understand how works the "transiantiago", but in general all it has been OK!

So....Welcome to the englisg issue...a place where all is about one thing : talk, write, read and whatever, But in english!